Banda Aceh, the capital of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, was known as the centre of administration, the religion, the trade and education since for centuries that was previous.
From Jakarta was followed in time around 3 hours and from Medan was followed in time 45 minutes by using the aircraft.Where as from Penang/Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) or Singapore only 45 minutes.
Banda Aceh had heterogenous the potential for the history tour and the culture that were very interesting by being coloured by nuances of the Islam teaching.
Nevertheless, the Hindu teaching had then stopped over in the life of the Banda Aceh community.
This apparently in parties of the tradition. Apart from the object of the legacy of the history, Banda Aceh also had the other attraction among them the coast, mountains and the forest.
For the transport in the Banda Aceh city was available taxi, the pedicab, the minibus and the rented car that could be gotten easily. The RI - 001 monument
In the struggle phisik opposed this Dutch colonisation, during 1948 Indonesia needed an aircraft to penetrate the enemy's blockade, because many territories were controlled by the Netherlands.
To receive an aircraft for the interests of the country at that time it was felt really was difficult, because of struggling and the situation of the country's finance did not yet enable.
The President was first Republic of Indonesia "Soekarno" made a plea so that the Acehinese people contributes the fund to buy the aircraft that was needed.
In a short time the fund that was needed could be gathered and succeeded in being bought by an aircraft of Douglas DC. 3.
Besides penetrating the enemy's blockade of this aircraft also was used for the transport of the weapon from overseas to expel colonisers.
This aircraft afterwards was the young coconut the future Company of the Airways Garuda Indonesia that currently is the biggest airline at the same time the "Indonesian flag bearer".
To recall the service, the Acehinese community that was patriotic this, the government built a Monument that was located on the Heart of the Banda Aceh City
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